Latest version of Helm step is broken

I upgraded the step but I’m now getting the following warnings and error:

Running plugin deploy
Pulling image codefresh/cfstep-helm:3.4.1
Pulled layer '5a3ea8efae5d'
Pulled layer '41b0e6f42508'
Pulled layer 'ad3665eebd71'
Pulled layer '13ac0a3b2fa6'
Pulled layer '9c2441d78766'
Pulled layer '1e1f4a5d0d17'
Pulled layer '6a2cb5a06f83'
Pulled layer '128a29a5f29f'
Pulled layer 'b469b6437b61'
Digest: sha256:9e48a641ffd51740c300eba08b387ce97ead5af825318a800f7e6b28437bac57
Status: Downloaded newer image for codefresh/cfstep-helm:3.4.1

Running the following script:
#!/bin/bash -e
export HELM_REPO_AUTH_HEADER=Authorization
kubectl config use-context "<REDACTED>"
helm version --short -c
helm repo add cf-stable
helm upgrade main vault --install --reset-values --repo --values cloud-gateway/charts/defaults/vault.yml --set <REDACTED> ----------------------------

failed to load plugins: two plugins claim the name "push" at "/root/.helm/helm/plugins/helm-push.git" and "/root/.helm/helm/plugins/"
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /codefresh/volume/sensitive/.kube/config
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /codefresh/volume/sensitive/.kube/config
Switched to context "gateway-test".
failed to load plugins: two plugins claim the name "push" at "/root/.helm/helm/plugins/helm-push.git" and "/root/.helm/helm/plugins/"
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /codefresh/volume/sensitive/.kube/config
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /codefresh/volume/sensitive/.kube/config
Reading environment variable exporting file contents.
Error: repo "" is no longer available; try "" instead
 e[31mMessagee[39m             e[31mFailed to run freestyle step: maine[39m                                                                 
 e[32mCaused bye[39m           Container for step title: main, step type: freestyle, operation: Freestyle step. Failed with exit  
                     code: 1                                                                                            
 e[32mDocumentation Linke[39m                                     
 e[32mExit codee[39m           1                                                                                                  
 e[32mNamee[39m                NonZeroExitCodeError                                                                               e[0m
 e[31mMessagee[39m             e[31mstep: deploy failede[39m                                                                                
 e[32mCaused bye[39m           plugin failed                                                                                      
 e[32mDocumentation Linke[39m                                                e[0m