Codefresh fails pipeline because of file permissions

codefresh pipeline runs docker-compose,
it mounts sql files and then runs them in one of the services

locally this docker file runs with no error, but in codefresh it fails:
[2024-05-14T08:43:01.136Z] mssql-tools-data-1 | Sqlcmd: Error: Error occurred while opening or operating on file /tmp/sql-integration-data-init.sql (Reason: Error code 0x80070005).

0x80070005 - is a code for Access Denied error. is it possible that codefresh sets file permissions that forbid accessing files by docker?

Could you post your pipeline and dockerfile please?

The SAAS version of Codefresh has some extra security constraints to prevent abuse of the system.

my colleagues gave me a solution, I had to use ${CF_VOLUME_NAME} variable, and it make it work.
I’m not sure how to post pipeline anyways, UI is hard to navigate in codefresh :slight_smile:
