Custom step is unable to access CodeFresh variable if I use Golang templating. Below are the code snippet. The first line prints the variable value whereas golang templating is not printing the value. Is there any limitation?
- 'echo "PULL Request Number is $CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER"'
- echo "PR Number is [[ env.Getenv "CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER" ]]"
Since shell executes given echo command, shell rules take place, Go templates are not recognized. To get variable value please use $VAR
syntax. More information can be found here.
I"m not sure you’re using the correct syntax
You can check the codefresh-run one in GitHub - codefresh-io/steps. The syntax allows you to access steps variables
left: '[['
right: ']]'
stepsTemplate: |-
[[- $cmd := (printf "codefresh run \"%s\" -d" .Arguments.PIPELINE_ID ) -]]
[[ if .Arguments.TRIGGER_ID ]]
[[- $cmd = (printf "%s -t %s" $cmd .Arguments.TRIGGER_ID) -]]
[[- end -]]
[[/* Multiline string is required to support usage of 'colon' (:) character in the string. For example in the pipeline name. */]]
[[/* Otherwise after template render there is a chance to have an object instead of a string. */]]
- >-
export BUILD_ID=$([[ $cmd ]]); if [ -z "$BUILD_ID" ]; then exit 1; fi
- cf_export first_CF_OUTPUT_URL="${{CF_URL}}/build/$BUILD_ID"
- cf_export BUILD_ID
[[- if eq .Arguments.DETACH false ]]
Hope that help