/codefresh/volume don't have previous step files

I am developing a pipeline that writes some files in one step to be used in the next steps, but sometimes these files aren’t there for no reason.



  • Create a pipeline with 3 steps
  • Step 1 should create some files in ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}
  • Step 2 should be an approval step
  • Step 3 should use files created by Step 1

Many times the files created doens’t appear on Step 3


  • Create a pipeline with 2 steps
  • Step 1 should create some files in ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}
  • Step 2 should use files created by Step 1

This way the files is always there


You are correct. This is a limitation of our approval step. We are aware of it and it is one of our top backlog items (already planned for implementation)

If you don’t have an approval step in the pipeline, it should always work as expected.

As a workaround you could upload/download the files you need persisted to an S3 bucket or something similar.

Thanks Kostis,

For now I made what you suggested Do you have any idea when this will be done?

No date to share yet, but the moment we have something locked down we’ll let everyone know. :slight_smile: