How to set Allure report in CodeFresh


I created a cloud storage AWS S3 and connected to CodeFresh. Then as i following the instruction from allure documentation codefresh needs to look for allure-results but i dont know where is this folder and how to connect to it. I find a plugin and it looks like this enter code here upload_report: title: Upload Allure Report type: test-reporting fail_fast: false arguments: allure_dir: /codefresh/volume/e2e_api_test/allure-report bucket_name: amazon storage_integration: minios branch: master

when im running regression its not showing me test result button, so should i create folder inside git or whats the steps?

Hello and welcome to the Codefresh community

As explained in the documentation, the allure-resuts folder should be created after running Allure itself. See Test reports · Codefresh | Docs

How do you run Allure in your pipeline? Could you post here the YAML of your pipeline please?

Hi! Thank you! Im pretty new in codefresh, as i get it i go to pipeline workflow and there is inline yaml
here is at the bottom

More examples of Codefresh YAML can be found at

CI/CD pipeline Examples · Codefresh | Docs

version: “1.0”

Stages can help you organize your steps in stages


  • “clone”
  • “build”
  • “test”

title: “Cloning repository”
type: “git-clone”
repo: “qalesson/flatlay7”
# CF_BRANCH value is auto set when pipeline is triggered
# Learn more at Variables · Codefresh | Docs
revision: “${{CF_BRANCH}}”
git: “github-1”
stage: “clone”

title: “Building Docker image”
type: “build”
image_name: “qalesson/flatlay7”
working_directory: “${{clone}}”
dockerfile: “Dockerfile”
stage: “build”

title: “Running test”
type: “freestyle” # Run any command
image: ${{build}}
working_directory: “${{clone}}” # Running command where code cloned
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm
- “npm i”
- “npm test”
- cp -r -f ./allure-results $CF_VOLUME_PATH/allure-results
stage: “test”

  title: Upload Allure Report
  type: test-reporting
  fail_fast: false
    allure_dir: /codefresh/volume/e2e_api_test/allure-report
    bucket_name: amazon
    storage_integration: minios
    branch: master
       title: Generate test reporting
       image: codefresh/cf-docker-test-reporting
       working_directory: '${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/'
         - BUCKET_NAME=dct-user-data-lab111111
         - CF_STORAGE_INTEGRATION=amazon


I assume that your repository is at Is that correct?

I cannot find any allure integration on it. Have you set it up according to the docs?

I mean, if you forget Codefresh for a moment, if you run locally the tests on your workstation, is the allure-results folder created correctly?

yep, forget to merge pr, just did it, when running locally allure-reports folder created. still cant see it in codefresh, im gettin some error rn : Failed to run freestyle step: Running test

Caused by Container for step title: Running test, step type: freestyle, operation: Freestyle step. Failed
with exit code: 1

maybe im doing something wrong, what should i do next after setting allure in framework ?

Can you post the URL of the build that has the error?

It should be something like

Thank you.

You also need to enable this checkbox in your account for me to see the build

By default your pipelines are not accessible to anybody (not even Codefresh personnel).

Just did it! Codefresh | console


I checked your pipeline

Spec Files:      4 passed, 8 failed, 12 total (100% completed) in 00:03:29                                                              
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.   

Your unit tests have failed. And therefore the whole pipeline has stopped.
You have two choices:

  1. Either fix the tests
  2. Or make the pipeline continue even when there are failed tests as explained here with fail_fast property Test reports · Codefresh | Docs

Also looking at your pipeline.

  1. The test, upload_report and unit_test_reporting_step don’t have the same indentation level
  2. You only need the upload_report OR the unit_test_reporting_step. They both do the same thing (it is the old and the new syntax)

All details should be here Test reports · Codefresh | Docs

I added fail_fast property and delete upload_report, still error

do i need to have allure-report folder in git repo? or its gonna get created by codefresh somewhere?
also maybe problem in path :
title: Generate test reporting
image: codefresh/cf-docker-test-reporting
working_directory: ‘${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/’
- BUCKET_NAME=dct-user-data-lab111111

did i write it correctly? bucket name the one from s3 aws storage? is there any requirements for this storage? private bucket or not?

Hello again

As far as I know the folder allure-report is created by Allure itself. Codefresh only searches for this folder and presents the results in a nice format

I don’t think the S3 bucket needs special requirements. As long as Codefresh can access it (from the integration screen) it should work.

I have looped in our support team, so they will soon contact you and guide you with the errors.

thanks! where they gonna reach me?