Codefresh Runner - EKS

Hello all. I have a running installed in a private subnet in AWS on EKS. Initialization went well and the runner comes back healthy. I have StorageClass work done.

I was able to run the test pipeline (at initialization), but since then, none of my pipelines will make it past the initialization phase. I have tries reviewing the logs from the pods with little success troubleshooting.

Runner info:

> codefresh runner info
NAME                       RUNTIMES                   STATUS  REPORTED
test_codefresh             test/codefresh             healthy 2020-07-17T04:20:30.277Z

What I see when I manually run pipeline:

> codefresh run '[MY PIPELINE]' -b master -t defaulttrigger
Step: Initializing Process
Running Codefresh YAML validation
YAML validation passed successfully
Validating connection to Docker daemon...
{ status: 'pending' }
Running Codefresh YAML validation
Running Codefresh YAML validation
YAML validation passed successfully
YAML validation passed successfully
Validating connection to Docker daemon...
Validating connection to Docker daemon...
{ status: 'pending' }

The pods are being initialized in Kubernetes, so I know the runner is at least polling correctly. Thanks for the assistance!


Looks like my worker nodes were under provisioned…used a larger instance type and the pipelines started working via the runner. Thanks for this!!!

I am glad that you found the solution.

Let us know if you have other questions :slight_smile: