Failed to run pulumi up

Executing command: pulumi up --non-interactive --yes
Previewing update (dev)

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[resource plugin aws-4.38.1] installing
Downloading plugin: 0 B / 96.61 MiB    0.00%[resource plugin docker-3.1.0] installing
Downloading plugin: 0 B / 16.68 MiB    0.00% Downloading plugin: 2.90 MiB / 96.61 MiB    3.00% 6s Downloading plugin: 2.65 MiB / 16.68 MiB   15.90% 1s Downloading plugin: 4.58 MiB / 96.61 MiB    4.74% 8s Downloading plugin: 4.78 MiB / 16.68 MiB   28.64% 1s Downloading plugin: 6.57 MiB / 96.61 MiB    6.80% 8s Downloading plugin: 6.76 MiB / 16.68 MiB   40.56% Downloading plugin: 8.91 MiB / 96.61 MiB    9.22% 8s Downloading plugin: 9.08 MiB / 16.68 MiB   54.47% Downloading plugin: 11.49 MiB / 96.61 MiB   11.89% 7s Downloading plugin: 16.68 MiB / 16.68 MiB  100.00% 1s
Downloading plugin: 15.19 MiB / 96.61 MiB   15.72% 6s Downloading plugin: 19.89 MiB / 96.61 MiB   20.59% 5s Downloading plugin: 24.74 MiB / 96.61 MiB   25.61% 4s Downloading plugin: 28.96 MiB / 96.61 MiB   29.98% 4s Downloading plugin: 33.55 MiB / 96.61 MiB   34.73% 3s Downloading plugin: 37.43 MiB / 96.61 MiB   38.74% 3s Downloading plugin: 42.31 MiB / 96.61 MiB   43.79% 3s Downloading plugin: 46.32 MiB / 96.61 MiB   47.95% 2s Downloading plugin: 50.53 MiB / 96.61 MiB   52.30% 2s Downloading plugin: 57.48 MiB / 96.61 MiB   59.49% 2s Downloading plugin: 68.97 MiB / 96.61 MiB   71.39% 1s Downloading plugin: 74.90 MiB / 96.61 MiB   77.53% 1s Downloading plugin: 85.39 MiB / 96.61 MiB   88.38% Downloading plugin: 91.90 MiB / 96.61 MiB   95.12% Downloading plugin: 96.41 MiB / 96.61 MiB   99.79% Downloading plugin: 96.61 MiB / 96.61 MiB  100.00% 4s

    pulumi:pulumi:Stack relation-hasura-api-cache-infra-dev running 
@ Previewing update....
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack relation-hasura-api-cache-infra-dev running error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: -1
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack relation-hasura-api-cache-infra-dev  1 error
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (relation-hasura-api-cache-infra-dev):
    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: -1

Reading environment variable exporting file contents.
Reading environment variable exporting file contents.
 Message             Failed to run freestyle step: Pulumi up                                                            
 Caused by           Container for step title: Pulumi up, step type: freestyle, operation: Freestyle step. Failed with  
                     exit code: 255                                                                                     
 Documentation Link                                     
 Exit code           255                                                                                                
 Name                NonZeroExitCodeError                                                                               

i don’t know what is the unhandled error…
maybe it because of i use the pulumi to build an docker image ?

const img = awsx.ecs.Image.fromPath("api-cache-backend", "./app");

const appService = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("api-cache-svc", {
    taskDefinitionArgs: {
        container: {
            image: img,
            cpu: 102 /*10% of 1024*/,
            memory: 100 /*MB*/,
            portMappings: [albListener],
            environment: [
                {name: "REDIS_HOST", value: cacheCluster.cacheNodes[0].address},
                {name: "HASURA_HOST", value: hasuraHost},
                {name: "HASURA_PORT", value: hasuraPort},
                {name: "HASURA_ADMIN_SECRET", value: hasuraAdminSecret},
    desiredCount: 2,

Most probably yes. For security reasons, you don’t have access to the docker socket inside a Codefresh pipeline.

You need to use the native Codefresh step Build · Codefresh | Docs

Or alternatively build an image in Pulumi with another method that does NOT depend on the docker socket (e.g. kaniko or a remote docker build).